Tuesday, August 21, 2007

To Uncharted Thoughts

Hi Uncharted Thoughts
That is a great idea, it would help to convince others. You know it makes alot of sense, but its just so hard to compute. The addition of your personal experience would help immensely. Please keep posted, I would love to read your paper. Maybe we could put it up on my site and get some feedback. Diane
One of these days the comment area on my blog might work, lol, anything is possible


Uncharted Thoughts said...

Diane, found the original research paper by Dr. Robert Beck.

It explains everything fully.

I'll gladly send it to you.
My email is carter102@hotmail.com

Its about 1 meg, and in PDF format.
I figure it is redundant to rewrite a different version.

Couple this with one of the many research papers by Taylor or Borody and it should be fairly straight forward. Cause and cure.

Uncharted Thoughts said...


A great video for your readers.

Anonymous said...


New MAP study.